【同义词辨析】 2020-04-22 统治立法行政司法压制(5小组一起记)

(1) 统治
govern: implies a keeping in a straight course or smooth operation for the good of the individual OR the whole: the British monarch reigns, but the prime minister ~s.     Governance of China习近平谈政>收录了他从2012到2014年间的79篇演讲谈话访谈手稿信件等

rule: may imply no more than a possessing of the power to lay down laws or issue commands that must be obeyed but often suggests the exercising of despotic or arbitrary power: the emperor ~d with an iron hand.       (arbitrary武断implies the exercise and usually the abuse of power according to momentary inclination根据一时的喜好作决定,如his high-handed, arbitrary way of running his department他高压武断地运营他的部门 despotic暴政的,指武断专横地行使"绝对"权力absolute power,如the most decadent and despotic of Roman emperors古罗马最堕落暴政的皇帝,但比同样是暴政的tyrannical语气稍弱,tyrannical表示暴政到了让人痛苦难以忍受的地步)
govern治理统治: 指维持直线道路平稳运行,为了个人整体利益,rule统治: 仅表示拥有权力制定法律发布命令,常表示武断专横地用权

记忆方法: 1)统治的意思是行使权力控制他人mean to exercise power or authority in controlling others.     exercise两个意思 1、练习锻炼  2、使用行使   authority也有2个意思 1、权力,指有界限目标的权力或有关部门 2、权威,指学识能力,使人尊重遵守效忠    

(2) 立法
prescribe: implies an intent to provide explicit direction or clear guidance to those who accept or are bound by one's authority: the Constitution ~s the conditions under which it may be amended.

assign: implies an arbitrary but not despotic determination, allotment, or designation for the sake of an end such as harmonious functioning, smooth routine, or proper or efficient operation: ~ a worker to the late shift.     (designate 1、委任指派to appoint,如he was designated as prime minister他被任命为首相,如the Director designate候任局长   2、指定命名to name,如certain schools are designated 'science schools'有些学校被命名(或指定)为科学学校)    the late shift晚班the night shift夜班

define: stresses an intent to mark boundaries so as to prevent confusion, conflict, or overlap: ~d clearly the limits of their freedom.

prescribe规定: 指根据职权提供明确指导,应接受,assign指定: 指为了和谐平稳高效正常运行而作的决定分配指定,武断但不专横,define定义: 强调划定界限,以避免混淆冲突重叠

记忆方法: 1)立法的意思是武断权威订立mean to fix arbitrarily or authoritatively.     在美国,立法分支叫the Legislative Branch,见下一组注释

(3) 行政
execute: stresses the enforcing of the specific provisions of a law, will, comission, or command: charged with failing to ~ the order.   enforce强制执行,和compulsory的动词compel意思有点像,但enforce表示的是强制执行法律命令等,而不是compel表示的强制某做某事,执法是law enforcement)  美国政府有3个分支,美国总统负责行政分支,以下摘自白宫网站: "the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces"行政分支的权力赋予美国总统,同时担任国家元首和武装部队总司令            "the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress"立法分支包括众参两院,两院共同组成美国国会     "where the Executive and Legislative branches are elected by the people, members of the Judicial Branch are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate"行政和立法分支由人民选举,但是司法分支由总统提名参议院批准

administer: implies the continuing exercise of delegated authority in pursuance of only generally indicated goals rather than specifically prescribed means of attaining them: the agency in charge of ~ing Indian affairs.     delegate两个意思 1、代表to represent, to act as a representative,如a delegate to a conference赴会的代表,如the Dutch delegation荷兰代表团 2、委派to entrust a task or responsibility to a person typically less senior通常给下级,如he delegates routine tasks他分派日常工作,如the power delegated to him must never be misused授予他的权力不应该滥用)     in pursuance of按照依据遵循=in order to meet the requirement of,如made the changes in pursuance of the contract按照合同作了修改

execute行政执行: 强调强制执行具体条款,如法律遗嘱委托命令等的,administer行政执行: 指持续地行使受委托职权, 强调遵循(按照)总体目标而非具体手段

记忆方法: 1)行政的意思是实施他人设立的目标mean to carry out the declared intent of another.

(4) 司法
oversight: attributes the power or right to act to the watcher and implies the intent to assure the good condition or effective functioning of what is watched: a manager with ~ of all phases of the operation.

supervision: carries a much stronger implication of authoritative powers or responsibilities: responsible for the ~ of the entire district.

surveillance: implies a close, detailed, even prying watch kept on something and especially on a person felt likely to require unexpected or immediate attention: police ~ of known criminals.    pry刺探窥探to try to find out information about other people's private lives

oversight监督: 表示监视者具有权力确保被监视者状态良好,supervision监督: 表示拥有更大权力和责任,surveillance监视: 指密切详细窥探般的监督,因为需要持续密切关注

记忆方法: 1)司法的意思是密切监督mean a careful watching.   judicial司法的of or about a court与法院相关,如judicial inquiry/system/mind司法调查/制度/公正的思想,在美国司法分支叫the Judicial Branch,见上一组注释

(5) 压制
suppress: implies a putting down or keeping back completely, typically by the exercise of great or oppressive power or violence: ~ed the revolt; ~ an impulse.   oppress压迫是指施加"无法忍受"的压力或负担implies burdens that one cannot endure, 如本例oppressive power压迫的力量,如political oppression政治压迫

repress: implies little more than a checking or restraining and often suggests that the thing restrained may break out anew in a different way: had difficulty in ~ing his curiosity.      又如you are repressing your feelings你在抑制感情,如she repressed her desire to mention his name她抑制住自己没有提他的名字,如the uprisings were repressed起义被镇压了,如repress one's child把孩子管得太严,如too much bureaucracy represses creativity过多的官僚作风抑制创造力。这些被抑制的事物有可能只是暂时抑制,可能会重新复发

suppress压制: 指完全压制阻挡,使用巨大力量,repress压制抑制: 仅表示试图阻碍克制,可能复发

记忆方法: 1)压制的意思是阻止表达发挥mean to hold back more or less forcefully one that seeks an outlet.    hold back有3个意思 1、阻止to stop 2、犹豫to hesitate 3、隐瞒不说出来to withhold,这里用1         outlet表示发挥或表达refers to a means of expressing oneself,如sport provided an outlet for his energy运动为他释放能量提供了途径,如she needs an outlet for her talents她需要发挥才能的机会